Cuidate! (Take Care of Yourself!) is a culturally-based program to reduce HIV, sexual risk behavior and unplanned pregnancy among Latino youth.
Since July 2010, CCJ has contracted with the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare to implement the Cuidate program to provide HIV prevention & adolescent pregnancy prevention services to 12-19 year-old mix-gender Latino youth in Health Districts 3, 4 and 5.
This project has been successfully implemented through close collaboration and cooperative working agreements with school districts, other non-profit organizations, and youth groups in middle and high school students between the ages of 12 and 19.
For more information on the program, head over to our "Events" tab to find out when our next Cuidate class will be offered!
If you would like to setup a class or enroll your teen, please contact our Program Manager at
To access electronic (PDF) copies of the consent form or brochures scroll down !
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