Center for community and justice 



Centro's Family-based Immigration Program offers the following services to low-income individuals:

  • Permanent Resident Petitions
  • Citizenship Applications
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 
  • U Visas
  • V Visas
  • Religious Worker Visas
  • K Visas
  • Employment Authorization Applications
  • Affidavits of Support
  • Waivers
  • Asylum
  • Translation of Documents
  • Non-Immigrant Visas


Centro works in collaboration with other human rights and community-based non-profit organizations to provide access to information and resources for the large Spanish-speaking immigrant community in Idaho. Our goal is to provide outreach and information to immigrants and refugees, and to promote just immigration practices at the state, local, and federal level.


An example of one of our initiatives is Proyecto Vecinos. In the spring and summer of 2004, Centro began Proyecto Vecinos, an immigrant rights' project in collaboration with the Idaho Human Rights Education Center in Boise and the University of Idaho Law School in order to respond to the need for community-based information and resources for immigrants in Idaho. 

The goals of Proyecto Vecinos are:

  • To publish newcomer orientation guides, and other types of community resource               information for immigrants and refugees.
  • To provide family based immigration counseling services to low income individuals.
  • To defend the human rights of all immigrants and refugees.
  • To work for and to promote just immigration and refugee policies and practices.