Mr. Sam Byrd has more than 25 years of experience in working with a variety of public and private sector organizations. He speaks English and Spanish fluently, is a dynamic public speaker, adept at strategic planning and an expert in diversity issues. As a community facilitator, he has been a leader in various cultural and human rights groups, including the Task Force on Hispanic Education, the Idaho Committee on Indian Education, the Idaho Inclusiveness Coalition, the Idaho Human Rights Education Center, and the Council on Hispanic Education.
Mr. Byrd currently serves on the University of Idaho's Diversity and Human Rights Committee, and the Boise State University Selland College Advisory Committee, the YMCA board of directors, and the Albertson College of Idaho board of directors.
Sam has been the recipient of a number of awards including the Larry G. Selland Humanitarian Award by the Boise State University Women's Center, the national Howard Swearer Humanitarian Award by the Campus Compact, the University of Idaho President's Medallion and the Distinguished Leadership in Human Rights award by Hewlett-Packard.
To contact Sam, please message him at:
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