Center for community and justice 



Centro has for several years been active in promoting policy efforts to address the academic and English language acquisition needs of Latinos, and other students that have traditionally struggled to achieve academically and to succeed in Idaho's public schools.

Since the mid-1970s, our staff and board members have played a part in almost every educational policy decision affecting Latino and English Language Learner students (ELL) in the state.

Our accomplishments include efforts to disaggregate student data by ethnicity, legislative approval, and funding for the Idaho Minority At-Risk Scholarship. Funding for the State Limited English Proficient (LEP) Supplemental Appropriation for programs for ELL students in Idaho, and for the "Grow Our Own Teachers Program," a program that offers scholarships for individuals interested in English as a Second Language or Billingual Education degree.

In addition, our members have been involved in almost every major study and task force appointed to address the needs of these students, and responsible for promoting stricter legislative oversight and accountability of state and federal programs that fund local services for ELL students.

The goals of our Educational Initiative are:

  • To reduce the disproportionate dropout/push out rate that persists in the           Latino community.
  • To improve the academic achievement and success of Latino students.
  • To increase the number of Latino students who enter colleges, universities,       and other post-secondary opportunities.
  • To increase multicultural and multilingual educational opportunities in Idaho       for all students.